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Los resultados de la tercera edición del estudio “PV Grid Parity Monitor”, realizado por la consultora ECLAREON, con el patrocinio de SunEdison, BayWa y Gesternova y la colaboración de Cooper Alliance, muestran que la paridad de red fotovoltaica


(momento en que el coste de generar electricidad fotovoltaica es igual al coste de la electricidad de la red, asumiendo que el 100% de la  electricidad FV se auto-consume instantáneamente) es una realidad en el sector comercial de en el segmento comercial en Alemania, Italia y España.


The Photovoltaic Grid Parity Monitor analyses PV competitiveness with retail and wholesale energy markets for residential segment (PV systems of 3kW), commercial (PV systems of 30 kW) and Utility Scale segment (PV systems of 50 MW). It assesses local regulation of twenty five cities in thirteen countries (Australia, Brazil, California, Chile, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Morocco, Spain, Texas, Turkey, and UK).


It is based on a rigorous and transparent methodology and uses real and updated data provided by local PV installers, local PV associations and other reliable players from the PV industry.

Grid Parity represents a unique opportunity to develop a local and sustainable power generation technology in a cost-effective way. Policy makers have the opportunity to create the proper frameworks to adapt the energy system to the increasing importance of distributed generation, and in so doing ensure that it is properly monitored, channeled, and regulated

This Monitor aims at giving benchmark elements and good practice models to foster the development of local sustainable energy.

Acceso a los informes de los últimos años aquí







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